Moryleva O., Anisimova O., Gruday O.,
The presented work is part of complex research of native blood in different functional and pathological conditions of the human organism.
The method of the microscopy of native blood (MNB) assumes research of material (blood) during 5-10 minutes after blood sampling. With video camera the image is sending to computer where pictures and video fragments are processing and keeping. The correctness of received result in many respects is determined by the correctness of the prepare of the preparation for microscopy.
The purpose of work is the assessment of degree of aggregation of erythrocytes in different conditions of the body: in organism of healthy people and at some pathological conditions.
The importance of this research is dictated by the fact that the main factor determining the rheological parameters of blood are erythrocytes which make up 98% from the total volume of blood cells.
We were surveyed 350 people of different sex and age (children - average age - 11 years, adults - average age - 42 years). Results were statistically processed. The first group (control) included 69 healthy people (including children - 27 adults - 42). The second group include people with a variety of chronic diseases (children - 35, аdults - 246). In second group among of children were more common diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and the various forms of allergies, among adults - combined pathology dominated by cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome.
RBC aggregation was researched by microscopy native capillary blood taken from the finger of a patient in the morning. The degree of aggregation was assessed by the point system, depending on the size, density and branching units.
It was found that in the control group the degree of aggregation of erythrocytes was more lower than in the test (assessed by age subgroups). In the first subgroup among children it was observed or total absence of aggregation, or it was insignificant (3-6 red blood cells), whereas in the adult subgroup this rate was slightly higher at 5-10 cells in the complex. And the number of units in the field of view was not more than 2-3.
In the second group the aggregation index was much higher. 75% surveyed children have aggregation in the form of a so-called "Rouleaux" which consisted of 8-15 or more of red blood cells and made 5-8 complexes in sight. In the adult subgroup this index was already 95% of the patients and erythrocyte complexes were in the form of "Rouleaux" of 20-30 cells, and in the form of amorphous sludge.
Observed that patients with cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, including compensated diabetic their erythrocytes in aggregates are extremely close to each other, which means a significant pathological component of structural and functional disorders of erythrocyte membranes.
From the above, the following conclusions: in healthy people erythrocyte aggregation is absent or expressed very low, at patients with pathology of cardiovascular and metabolic disorders there is a high degree of aggregation or amorphous sludge.
Therefore the degree of aggregation may serve as an indicator of functional and structural changes of erythrocytes, serve as a criterion for tissue hypoxia and gives the opportunity to predict the course of the disease and to monitor the dynamics of restorative process.
Keywords: aggregation of erythrocytes, microscopy of native blood, "Rouleaux", amorphous sludge.